Monday 11 May 2009

Coincidentally, after the post about my favourite breakfast menu yesterday, I had a chance to go out for brunch at Rocks the next day. I had to go back to Manly with the 12:00 ferry for lunch appointment after I arrived at the Quay at 10:30am and we were ravenous so we did not have enough time to contemplate where to go - we just walked in a certain Italian place offering only one menu of breakfast.

Bacon, egg, sausages, grilled tomato and bread with butter; perhaps this must be most common breakfast as we would normally have ingredients at home. The dish was tasty with a cup of coffee and my stomach was still full till I was around at Choi's house for lunch.

On the way back to Manly, I saw heaps of yachts sailing on the harbour and some of them were so close to the ferry so they were likely to bump into each other. When I was on my way to the Quay, the sky was still dark and shower was unlikely to stop, but when coming back to Manly it was already sunny and breeze was so fresh. Just by seeing gorgeous yachts sailing from the ferry, my mood is always lifted. This could be one of privileges of living in Manly; enjoying every different scenery every day on the ferry.

Then, I headed off to Choi's house in Balgowlah for lunch. As advised by my friend, I used the 'hop skip jump' bus which is providing free ride service between Balgowlah and Manly. It was the first time to use the bus as I always thought the bus might be only for a certain people. The bus service was actually for everyone!

With my full stomach, I was indulged in another tasty food Choi made - chicken drumsticks marinated with mustard sauce and honey soy sauce (of course, there were marinated separately). I think I might want to try the recipe myself. I had a glass of white wine too, then realised even a small amount of alcohol always made me so sleepy - this has happened a week ago when I was catching up with a friend from Melbourne. I fell asleep as soon as I got home and now ended up waking up in the middle of the night, writing a post! After this, I think I would study til the dawn...

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