Tuesday 5 May 2009

living in Manly

Except that I lived in Neutral Bay for six months, I have lived in Manly nearly over one and a half years so far. There were some memorable (?) but ridiculous happenings occurred in terms of my living arrangements (thanks to this, I moved four times over two years), but finally I think I currently settled in Manly.

Actually, during those six months in Neutral Bay, I enjoyed the life there a lot - metropolitan atmosphere, short distance to the city and the view of the Sydney harbour including CBD from my apartment... I think that flat I lived in was the most gorgeous and convenient place that I've ever lived in Sydney.

I apparently, however, began to feel missing something there - especially, water and green. Then I started contemplating to move again and decided to go back to Manly in which I was still familiar and most of my friends were living. Amongst all, I seemed to miss the ferry most - I didn't realise until I could only spend 10 minutes on the bus for commuting that half an hour on the ferry would become most enjoyable and refreshing moment of the day. At the moment of that I get off the ferry, my worries or stress of the day are already washed away with the ocean and breeze, and I don't have to be bothered to find peace like the way I do in the city.

Yes, actually there are at least three reasons that made me to chose to live in Manly; beach, ferry and friendly neighbourhood. And if I could add one more - cool surfers even though I cannot surf. :-)

I've heard that a hometown is not a place where I was physically born, but a place where I feel like the hometown. In this sense, I think Manly should be my hometown as far as I recall I have felt myself being a part of this area one day when I was looking over the beach...

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